Digital Citizenship
As an elementary magnet school, digital citizenship lessons are embedded and integrated throughout the course of the school year to maximize learning experiences. Lessons include topics such as: How to Use the Internet Safely, Safe Internet Interactions, Digital Footprints, and Research Strategies & Skills.
In addition, all students and their parents sign an Electronic Network Use Agreement at the beginning of each school year. This parent and student notification reviews user obligations and responsibilities.
Finally, please be sure to sign the parent permission for Google Apps for Education so that your child(ren) may access online assignments and projects safely for their school work. Our BOUSD Google programs is monitored and secure.
Common Sense Media
The Internet has created a global community of people connected through computers and various digital devices. Along with the opportunity to explore new information and connect with others, the Internet presents challenges and responsibilities. As educators and parents, it is important that we help children and young people understand how to be good and safe citizens of this global, digital community.
As a school we are committed to direct instruction in the area of Digital Citizenship. We utilize the Common Sense Media curriculum for in school instruction. Parents can access resources for further discussion at home via the Common Sense Media website by clicking the icon below.